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Your pet story and pet care, all in one place!

Our customer support team is available on both email and phone.

User Agreement

Dear guest, please read the terms of this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) carefully before proceeding with registration.

S2R is registered under the laws of Georgia,                        

CRN code: 404686817

Address: Samghebro Street N 6, Tbilisi, 0105

Company’s general email address: info@itsapaw.com

S2R owns and operates the following platforms: www.itsapaw.com

This Agreement governs the use of S2R’s software applications, websites, other resources (hereinafter referred to as the service, platform, S2R Georgia LLC ) that allow pet/animal owners and animal service providers to find each other, communicate with each other, and arrange for the provision of animal care and health services, as well as any other services or products that S2R may subsequently include.

This Agreement applies to all services of S2R, as may be specified (clarified) from time to time.


By continuing to register the User acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and agrees to this Agreement.


  1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is a binding legal document, within the framework and under the terms and conditions of which the Users are entitled to use the service and its content.

1.2. This Agreement regulates the use of software applications, websites, other resources of S2R Georgia LLC (hereinafter referred to as service, platform, S2R Georgia LLC), which allow pet/animal owners and animal service providers to find each other, communicate with each other and organize the provision of animal care and health services, as well as any other services or products that S2R Georgia LLC may subsequently include.

  1. Terms and Definitions

2.1. The following terms and definitions shall be used within the meaning of this Agreement:

2.1.1. Platform (Service) – a set of software and hardware tools of S2R Georgia LLC, databases and information resources of S2R Georgia LLC, as well as Content of third parties to which Users are provided access using the Applications and the Website www.itsapaw.com.

2.1.2 User is an Internet user and in particular a visitor of the Platform who, having familiarized himself with this Agreement, has registered an account.

2.1.3. Pet/animal Owner – a visitor of the Platform who has registered on the Platform in order to search for services for his/her Pet.

2.1.4. Service Provider – a visitor of the Platform who has duly registered on the Platform for the purpose of providing services to Pet/animal Owners.

2.1.5. Account – a personal section of the Platform to which the User gains access after registration and/or authorization on the Platform. The Account is intended for storing the data entered by the User both during and after registration, viewing and managing the available functionalities of the Platform.

2.1.6. Account registration means the User’s actions, consciously and voluntarily performed by him/her on the registration page, related to the entry of true and truthful data, as well as the expression of his/her consent to this Agreement. The registration procedure on the Platform shall be deemed completed when the User clicks the “Register” button. When registering an account, the User selects the type of account (“Pet Owner” or “Service Provider”) depending on the purpose of registration on the Platform.

  1. Warranties and liability of the User

3.1. By registering an Account and adding/updating it subsequently, the User guarantees to provide true, accurate and complete information about all registration and related data for access to the Platform and undertakes to support such information complete and accurate during the entire period of use of the Platform. The User undertakes not to register more than one Account. Violation of these rules is grounds for blocking and/or deleting the Account. In case of doubts about the reliability of the information provided by the User, S2R Georgia LLC has the right to request supporting documents from the User, but S2R Georgia LLC has no right to enter information about the User for the User without the User’s consent.

3.2. The User guarantees that: he/she is a fully capable natural person (at least 18 years old) or a legal entity with legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and is not a person whose transactions are prohibited by economic or trade sanctions.

3.3. After completing the registration process, the User automatically gets access to the personalized part of the Platform. The User is fully responsible for the security of his/her login and password, as well as for every action performed on the Platform under the User’s login and password. The User chooses (changes) the password himself. S2R Georgia LLC is not responsible for the hacking of the User’s Account and any consequences caused by such hacking.

3.4. User accepts responsibility for all information, data, text, music, sounds, photographs, graphics, videos, messages and other materials (“Content”) posted on the Platform or sent to other Users privately. This means that the User, and not the S2R Georgia LLC, is solely responsible for the Content that the User uploads, sends, transmits or otherwise makes available through the Platform.

3.5. The User undertakes not to use the Platform and the Content posted on its pages for purposes contrary to the Georgian legislation, this Agreement, rights and legitimate interests of other Users or third parties.

3.6. The User assumes responsibility and all risks consequences associated with receiving and (or) posting information on the Internet, interaction with other Platform Users or third parties via the Platform, as well as the use of the Platform and (or) content.

3.7. The owner of the Pet/animal guarantees that the Pet/animal does not belong to the category of exotic and dangerous animals, does not have any diseases that prevent it from receiving services from the Service Providers.

3.8. The User is independently liable to third parties for their actions related to the use of the Platform, including if such actions lead to the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as for compliance with the law when using the Platform services.

3.9. Pet/animal Owners and Service Providers are fully responsible for making decisions that are in the best interests of themselves and their pets.

3.10. When using the Platform, the User may not:

3.10.1. upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/or distribute content that is illegal, harmful, defamatory, libelous, offends morality, demonstrates (or is a propaganda of) violence and cruelty, violates intellectual property rights, promotes hatred and/or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, contains insults to any persons or organizations, contains elements (or is a propaganda of) pornography, child erotica, represents an advertisement (or is a propaganda of) for sexual services (including under the guise of other services), explains manufacturing procedures, use or other use narcotic substances or their analogues, explosives or other weapons; 3.10.2. violate the rights of third parties, including minors and/or harm them in any form;

3.10.3. impersonate another person or representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including Platform employees, ass well as use any other forms and methods of illegal representation of other persons in the network, as well as mislead users or the Platform about the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects;

3.10.4. upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/or distribute content, in the absence of rights to such actions under the law or any contractual relationship;

3.10.5. upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/or distribute advertising information, spam, lists of other people’s email addresses or use the Platform solely for redirecting users to other services and/or Platforms;

3.10.6. upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and/or distribute any materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs intended to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunication equipment or programs, for unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means of gaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, as well as the placement of the links to the above information;

3.10.7. unauthorized collection and storage of personal data of other persons;

3.10.8. disrupt the normal operation of the Platform;

3.10.9. promote actions aimed at violating of the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the Agreement;

3.10.10. reproduce, repeat and copy, sell and resell, or use for any commercial purpose any parts of the Platform (including content available to the User through the Platform), or access to them, except in those cases when the User has obtained such authorization from the Platform;

3.10.11. In case the User violates the guarantees provided by this Agreement, the User shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.

  1. Guarantees, rights and liability of the Platform

 4.1. The Platform does not provide Pet/animal Care Services or veterinary services. The Platform is a neutral place for Service Providers and Pet/animal Owners.

4.2. The Platform does not make any guarantees regarding the quality of services provided by Service Providers. Service Providers hosted on the Platform are not under the direction or control of the Platform and/or its affiliates.

4.3. The Platform may contain links to other services/resources/sites on the Internet (third party sites). The said third parties and their content are not checked by the Platform for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). The Platform is not responsible for any information, materials posted on services/resources/sites of third parties to which the User gains access using the Platform, including any opinions or statements expressed on services/resources/sites of third parties, advertising, etc., as well as for the availability of such services/resources/sites or content and the consequences of their use by the User.

4.4. The link (in any form) to any site, product, service, any information of commercial or non-commercial nature placed on the Platform does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by the Platform.

4.5. S2R Georgia LLC is not responsible for any potential loss and damage to data that may arise due to the User’s violation of cl. 3.3. Section 3 of this Agreement.

4.6. The Platform has the right to send informational messages to the User at any time, as well as messages of advertising nature to the contact data provided by the User to the Platform.

4.6.1. The User agrees to receive at any time informational messages, including advertising messages, from the Company via the contact details provided by the User to the Platform.

4.6.2. The User has the right to refuse to receive informational and promotional messages at any time by changing the settings of his/her account on the Platform or sending a corresponding request to the e-mail address info@itsapaw.com.

4.6.3. The User’s refusal to receive informational messages, including advertising messages, does not cancel the User’s obligations under this Agreement.

4.7. In order to improve the quality of the Platform services, the Platform employees and/or persons engaged by the Platform to conduct a survey may collect opinions and feedback from Users on various issues by sending an informational message when the User visits the service next time or by contacting the User via the contact details specified by the User in the account (by phone calls or e-mails). Collected opinions and feedback can be used to form statistical data, which can be used at the discretion of the S2R Georgia LLC with mandatory compliance with all requirements of applicable law. Feedback provided by the User when conducting the survey may also be published by the Platform in the Platform’s services, both with or without the User’s name (login). When leaving feedback, the User undertakes to be guided by the requirements of this Agreement, including the requirements set forth in Section 3 hereof.

4.8. The Platform is informational (and in some cases – advertising) only. S2R Georgia LLC does not inspect the conditions of the animals.

4.9. Provision of access to software applications, websites, and other resources of S2R Georgia LLC is made on an “as is” basis. S2R Georgia LLC does not guarantee that the Service meets any expectations or requirements of the User, including with regard to the quality and order of service provision. Any information obtained through the use of software applications, websites, other resources of the S2R Georgia LLC, the User uses at his own risk and is solely responsible for all possible consequences of the use of such information, including for any damage caused thereby, including damage to the computer, loss of data or any other physical or moral damage.

4.10. S2R Georgia LLC shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of software applications, websites, other resources of S2R Georgia LLC or access to software applications, websites, other resources of S2R Georgia LLC.

  1. Privacy Policy

5.1. Information about the User (including personal information) is obtained on the basis of voluntary consent on the Platform.

5.1.1. By posting his/her personal information on the Platform, the User confirms that he/she does so voluntarily and that he/she voluntarily provides the Platform for processing. If the User does not agree with the above conditions, the User must not register on the Platform or must immediately delete his/her account and use the Platform for browsing purposes only. The User gives his/her perpetual consent to transfer any data posted by him/her independently on the Platform to other Users. The Parties agree that the transfer of the above data is carried out by the Platform in order to ensure the most convenient and correct interaction between Users. The Company (Platform) is not responsible for disclosure by the Users of any information about each other (including, but not limited to, personal data), which became known to them in the process of using the Platform.

The User realizes that any information he discloses to other users in the process of using the Platform and interaction on the Platform is done by him at his own risk. The Company does not control the content or amount of information transferred between Users and is not responsible for the possible consequences of such actions. Users should independently assess the risks and take appropriate precautions when posting and exchanging information on the Platform.

5.1.2. The Platform processes only those personal data of the User that were posted by the User on the Platform. The User’s personal data is processed using the Platform’s hardware and software and technical means.

5.2. The Platform collects the User’s data in the following cases:

– when the User registers on the Platform;

– when the User uses the Platform services;

– when the User communicates on the Platform via chat.

5.3. S2R Georgia LLC has the right to transfer the User’s personal data in cases defined by the Georgian legislation, as well as to other Users who interact with the User on the Platform.

5.4. Information about the User’s device number, model, trademark, name, operating system version and application version will be transferred to applications such as: aPaW, which the Platform uses to analyze and process information to improve the Platform’s performance.

5.5. The Platform uses the data obtained with the help of “Google Maps APIs”.

5.6. The User has the right to refuse to have his/her personal data processed by S2R Georgia LLC at any time, in which case the User must notify S2R Georgia LLC of this to the e-mail address  info@itsapaw.com.

5.7. S2R Georgia LLC ensures proper and compliant with the current legislation of Georgia, processing and storage of the User’s personal data during the entire period of registration on the Platform.

  1. Other provisions

6.1. This Agreement is a contract between the User and S2R Georgia LLC regarding the procedure of using the Platform and replaces all previous agreements between the User and S2R Georgia LLC.

6.1.1. If the User does not agree with the Agreement and (or) or its new version, as well as in case of his inability (or unwillingness) to understand the legal meaning of any provisions of the Agreement, the User must immediately leave the Platform, he has no right to receive and (or) use the Platform Content, use this Platform, except for the pages with registration and (or) the Agreement. Continued use of the Platform confirms that the User has expressed his/her unconditional consent to the Agreement.

6.2. All materials that are part of the content of the Platform are protected by copyright and are protected in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.

6.3. With regard to the services provided under this Agreement on a gratuitous basis, the norms of consumer protection provided by the legislation of Georgia cannot be applicable to the relations between the User and S2R Georgia LLC.

6.4. Inaction on the part of S2R Georgia LLC in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreements by the User or other users does not deprive S2R Georgia LLC of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later, nor does it mean that S2R Georgia LLC waives its rights in case of further similar violations.

6.5. If for one or more reasons one or more provisions of this Agreement are recognized as invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

6.6. S2R Georgia LLC reserves the right to modify the Agreement at any time without any special notice, the new version of the Agreement and/or all its integral parts that have been modified shall become effective upon publication on the Platform, unless a different effective date is specified by S2R Georgia LLC at the time of publication. The current version of the Agreement and all its integral parts is always publicly available on the Platform at: (https://itsapaw.com/its-a-paw-user-agreement).

6.6.1. If the User continues to use the Platform services after the publication of changes in the Agreement, it shall be deemed that the User thereby accepts the change in the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

6.7. This Agreement shall be regulated and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of Georgia. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.

6.8. This Agreement is drawn up in the Georgian language and may be provided to the User for familiarization in English and Russian.

Date of publication: 03.05.2024.

Previous version of the document (https://itsapaw.com/its-a-paw-user-agreement)

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